Since 1997 Neurodevelopment Center is implementing modern approaches of neurorehabilitation in Georgia. Today it continues to be the leading clinic in this sphere. It specializes in treatment of patients with various types of disorders (physical, neurological, mental, emotional, behavioral).
The list of disorders is big: cerebral palsy, neuromuscular diseases, autism spectrum disorders, epilepsy, emotional and behavioral disorders, etc. To diagnose them correctly, the Center exclusively owns the most modern evaluation scales and tests, has highly professional specialists certified in the leading countries of the world (USA, Britain, Germany, Austria).
Treatment is conducted according to an individual plan developed for each patient by a team of profesionals which includes a neurologist, a physiatrist, a speech therapist (logopedist), an occupational therapist, orthosist, psychologist, behavioral therapist, psychiatrist, art therapist.
Their common aim is to achieve maximal medical improvement, maximal adaptation of the child and finally, instead of an isolated, passive person, develop an independent, successful and active member of society.